Monday, May 11, 2009



Jeshua asks us to get in touch with our desires so that we can experience the connection between what we want and what appears in our 3D existence. Eventually we will discover that we are totally responsible for what shows up in this dream of separation we are experiencing. The truth of this revelation is liberating because we no longer experience ourselves as victims. This is the law of attraction made popular by the book called “The Secret.”

Jeshua says that the reason we are to get in touch with our desires and notice how they manifest is so we eventually choose the one full and complete desire. All will eventually, at a time of their choosing, openly ask for this one desire that will contain all desires. This is the desire for the peace of God. This peace and contentment beyond understanding is without fear, without concern, without any chance of having it taken from us. This peace will be found even when all about seems unlike the peace you desire. The peace is within you.


Why desire, you may ask?
Desire is what fuels creation.
If you follow your desire, you are seeing how you are creating your reality.

Therefore, I say unto you DESIRE
is your engine!
It is your starting point for that which you
will see in front of you!

Begin to follow your desire.
Listen to that voice of your own desire.
Start with small things like,
"I desire to take a hot shower."
Notice as you take your shower how it feels.

Following your desire brings you to these feelings.
Those feelings are your true heritage!
So, begin to follow and notice what you are desiring!

Then, you may want to say out loud “I desire peace.”
If you do desire peace now, then every morning for the next 30 days say out loud to this beautiful universe
" I want the peace of God!"
The universe is truly waiting on you to
decree this desire.

I desire peace!

Now, in the beginning once you have decreed that you desire peace, You WILL go through a period, moments in your time, where you will come to see all that you alone have created that does not bring you peace. Notice these events; they are your key to peace!
Honor and ALLOW all these moments that come to you to show you how
you alone have chosen unlike peace!
These moment
s will come

They must, for in truth, you need to undo all that YOU have created unlike peace in your life.
To do this, you have to see and feel all that you desire that is unlike peace.
It is as if, when you choose for peace, you are bringing the
to all that you have created unlike it.

For brief moments you will experience those things that need the light to

bring them up. This is only so you can choose differently. For a moment you may feel like this does not feel like peace,
Here is your edge.
Here is whe
re you get to pay attention!

Ask that which is unlike peace, "I seem to have created something here that is unlike that which I truly desire,

How can I change this creation? How can I transform this creation?”
That voice, your voice within, will begin to guide your way.
You will begin to undo that which no longer serves your glorious self,
so that your
desire, PEACE, can descend upon you.

That desire will help you to release everything that is unlike peace.
It is the process of undoing the ego mind.
In its place
comes your glorious self, light divine.

Peace will live in your HEART making it a sacred heart
A heart that lies next to mine, One with my heart
It is our Sacred Holy Heart in ALL-WAYS!

D E S I R E!

For 30 days follow your desire for peace and all that is not peace.
Carry on with lesson ONE,

I love you so,
I am waiting patiently always, for your return to yourself which is
Oneness with ME!



Jeshua thru denisa

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